Monday, November 16, 2009

What plants, (mostly herbs) from the choices below, would grow best indoors lavender and mint?

Parsley, Cayenne/Capsicum, Siberian Ginseng, Oregano, sweet marjoram, bay, dill, thyme, rosemary, sage, calendula/pot marigold, basil, parsley, Greek oregano, chives, coriander, cilantro, Garlic, onions


What plants, (mostly herbs) from the choices below, would grow best indoors lavender and mint?
I grew mint indoors last year and it loved it and then i put it ouside and it just took over...

I would try a combo of mint,sage,basil and parsley, they seem to grow well together.

Lavender seems to grow well with,dill,thyme and rosemary. At least thats what has been the norm in my and my mothers gardens. Hope that kinda helps!
Reply:All can be started inside, but you want to eventually move them outside where they will get full sun. All herbs grow best in full sun, not a sunny window. You could keep them in a Three-Season room for a bit, but again, for better plant health and better growth and longevity, you will need to move them outside, even if they are in containers.
Reply:check on-line sources to see the amount of sunlight each needs. Some can thrive under florescent light. Some don't hold up well to direct sunlight, such as german chamomile. I grew some and it didn't fair well in the Arkansas heat of late spring/ early summer.

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