Saturday, November 14, 2009

Does anyone know where I can buy lavender (in Oregon) to use in cooking/drink recipe?

Thanks for any help you can give me! We have plenty of gourmet stores in the area.

Does anyone know where I can buy lavender (in Oregon) to use in cooking/drink recipe?
I get mine at Whole Foods. Make sure the lavender you get is FOOD SAFE!!! I can't stress that enough! Some stores sell it with essential oils and what not on the lavender to bring out the scent, but you don't want to eat that. So look for "Food Safe" or "Food Grade" on the packaging.

For the future, I would suggest growing lavender, and using it fresh. You should be able to grow it inside like you would herbs.

What's the drink recipe? Sounds like a good idea!
Reply:they usually have it in bulk at a good health food store
Reply:your going to have to lcate a whole foods or wildoats both stores are in oregon, if I had your zip I could help, also you can buy it online and even some of those spirtual shops carry lavender for there practices
Reply:Zupans has lots right now
Reply:Try your local garden center. You can get a lavendar plant pretty cheap, and it certainly doesn't come any fresher!

I do that for any gourmet herb. It's $2.50 at the grocery store, or $1 to buy the whole plant.

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